Перемещение карты
<!-- Параметр real-settings-location в примере вызывает изменение геопозиции на каждое изменение settings. -->
<!-- Ознакомьтесь с документацией компонента YandexMap, чтобы узнать больше, зачем он нужен и какие подводные камни -->
location: {
duration: 2500,
showScaleInCopyrights: true,
<yandex-map-controls :settings="{ position: 'bottom left' }">
<template v-if="!locationChanged">
:settings="{ onClick: () => [LOCATION = NEW_LOCATION_CENTER, camera.tilt = (45 * Math.PI) / 180, locationChanged = true]}"
Изменить Center
:settings="{ onClick: () => [LOCATION = NEW_LOCATION_BOUNDS, camera.tilt = (45 * Math.PI) / 180, locationChanged = true]}"
Изменить Bounds
:settings="{ onClick: () => [LOCATION = OLD_LOCATION, camera.tilt = 0, locationChanged = false]}"
Вернуться назад
import { YandexMap, YandexMapControlButton, YandexMapControls, YandexMapDefaultSchemeLayer } from 'vue-yandex-maps';
import { ref, shallowRef, watch } from 'vue';
import type { YMap, YMapCameraRequest } from '@yandex/ymaps3-types';
import type { YMapLocationRequest } from '@yandex/ymaps3-types/imperative/YMap';
const map = shallowRef<YMap | null>(null);
const locationChanged = ref(false);
const camera = ref<YMapCameraRequest>({
duration: 2500,
const LOCATION = ref<YMapLocationRequest>({
center: [37.623082, 55.75254], // starting position [lng, lat]
zoom: 5, // starting zoom
// eslint-disable-next-line vue/no-ref-object-reactivity-loss
const OLD_LOCATION = ref<YMapLocationRequest>(LOCATION.value);
watch(LOCATION, (_, oldValue) => {
OLD_LOCATION.value = oldValue;
const NEW_LOCATION_CENTER: YMapLocationRequest = {
center: [2.294587, 48.859958], // [lng, lat]
zoom: 16.6,
const NEW_LOCATION_BOUNDS: YMapLocationRequest = {
bounds: [
[-74.045667, 40.690044], // bounds - the boundaries of the visible area of the map
[-74.043567, 40.688628], // [[lng, lat], [lng, lat]].
zoom: 16.6,