Построить маршрут между двумя точками
Не забудьте задать router
в servicesApikeys
в настройках при инициализации vue-yandex-maps
, в противном случае метод работать не будет.
Создать ключ API Матрицы Расстояний и Построения маршрута можно в Кабинете разработчика.
showScaleInCopyrights: true,
<yandex-map-controls :settings="{ position: 'bottom left' }">
<div class="info">
Перетаскивайте маркеры, чтобы изменить маршрут
coordinates: pointACoordinates,
title: 'Точка A',
subtitle: pointASubtitle,
draggable: true,
onDragMove: onDragMovePointAHandler,
onDragEnd: onDragEndHandler,
coordinates: pointBCoordinates,
title: 'Точка Б',
subtitle: pointBSubtitle,
draggable: true,
onDragMove: onDragMovePointBHandler,
onDragEnd: onDragEndHandler,
style: lineStyle,
import {
} from 'vue-yandex-maps';
import type { YMapLocationRequest } from '@yandex/ymaps3-types/imperative/YMap';
import type { DrawingStyle, LngLat, RouteFeature, YMap, YMapMarkerEventHandler } from '@yandex/ymaps3-types';
import { ref, shallowRef, watch } from 'vue';
const location = ref<YMapLocationRequest>({
center: [37.623082, 55.75254], // starting position [lng, lat]
zoom: 9, // starting zoom
const map = shallowRef<YMap | null>(null);
// The initial coordinates of the starting and ending points of the route
const INITIAL_ROUTE_POINTS: LngLat[] = [
[37.620028, 55.741556],
[38.130492, 56.31112],
// An object containing the route line style
const lineStyle: DrawingStyle = {
fillRule: 'nonzero',
fill: '#333',
fillOpacity: 0.9,
stroke: [
width: 6,
color: '#007afce6',
width: 10,
color: '#fff',
// Converting [Lng, Lat] coordinates to string format
function getPointStr(point: LngLat) {
return point.map(c => c!.toFixed(4))
.join('; ');
const pointASubtitle = ref(getPointStr(INITIAL_ROUTE_POINTS[0]));
const pointBSubtitle = ref(getPointStr(INITIAL_ROUTE_POINTS[1]));
const pointACoordinates = ref(INITIAL_ROUTE_POINTS[0]);
const pointBCoordinates = ref(INITIAL_ROUTE_POINTS[1]);
const route = ref<RouteFeature | null>(null);
// The function for fetching a route between two points
async function fetchRoute(startCoordinates: LngLat, endCoordinates: LngLat) {
// Request a route from the Router API with the specified parameters.
const routes = await ymaps3.route({
points: [startCoordinates, endCoordinates], // Start and end points of the route LngLat[]
type: 'driving', // Type of the route
bounds: true, // Flag indicating whether to include route boundaries in the response
// Check if a route was found
if (!routes[0]) return;
// Convert the received route to a RouteFeature object.
const firstRoute = routes[0].toRoute();
// Check if a route has coordinates
if (firstRoute.geometry.coordinates.length === 0) return;
return firstRoute;
const routeHandler = async (newRoute?: RouteFeature) => {
// If the route is not found, then we alert a message and clear the route line
if (!newRoute) {
alert('Route not found');
route.value = null;
route.value = newRoute;
if (newRoute.properties.bounds) {
const newLocation = await getLocationFromBounds({
bounds: newRoute.properties.bounds,
map: map.value!,
// Чтобы маршрут всегда помещался на экран
location.value = {
center: newLocation.center,
zoom: Math.floor(newLocation.zoom) - 1,
duration: 300,
watch(VueYandexMaps.loadStatus, async status => {
if (status !== 'loaded') return;
const fetchedRoute = await fetchRoute(pointACoordinates.value, pointBCoordinates.value);
await routeHandler(fetchedRoute);
}, {
immediate: true,
// The handler functions for updating the coordinates and subtitle of the marker when dragging
const onDragMovePointAHandler: YMapMarkerEventHandler = (coordinates: LngLat) => {
pointASubtitle.value = getPointStr(coordinates);
pointACoordinates.value = coordinates;
const onDragMovePointBHandler: YMapMarkerEventHandler = (coordinates: LngLat) => {
pointBSubtitle.value = getPointStr(coordinates);
pointBCoordinates.value = coordinates;
// The handler function for updating route data after dragging the marker
const onDragEndHandler: YMapMarkerEventHandler = () => {
fetchRoute(pointACoordinates.value, pointBCoordinates.value)
<style scoped>
.info {
padding: 10px;
font-size: 14px;